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Required Semester Hours: 20 semester hours
THEA 0330:戏剧工作坊(0sh)
THEA 1030: 芝加哥 Theatre Experience (2sh) GE
THEA 1040: Dramaturgy/Text Analysis (2sh) GE
THEA 1600: Introduction to Design for the Stage (2sh) GE
THEA 2030: Storefront Theatre Practicum: Special Topics (0-2sh)
THEA 2110: Deconstructing the Canon (2sh) GE
THEA 2120: Reconstructing the Canon (2sh) GE
THEA 2330:代理I (4sh)
THEA 4902:投资组合(0sh)
THEA 4970: Internship in Theatre (1-4sh)

THEA 2340:导演(4sh)
第3200堂:易卜生 & 斯特林堡(4sh) GE
THEA 3320:戏剧写作(4sh) GE
THEA 3330: Acting II: Special Topics (2sh)

学术目录  核心课程



The following descriptions are a sample of courses you may take as a 剧院 minor. For a complete list of required courses, please review the academic catalog.

An introduction to 剧院 through the 芝加哥 lens.

An introduction into how to analyze a play and how to write for the discipline of 剧院.

宗教研究对宗教的研究, 政治, and cultural sources of 剧院; how 剧院 practice and dramatic literature developed in Classical Greece and Japan, 英国文艺复兴, 现代欧洲, the American Theatre and the contemporary world 剧院.

A study of the many non-traditional 剧院 texts across cultures and centuries that serve as a counterpoint to established theatrical works and traditions.

Establishes the foundation of acting technique through the genre of realism by building confidence, growing stage presence and expanding creative thought.

戏剧表演入门. Students conceive, workshop, and direct a short one-act play.

偶尔聚会, 每学期大约四次, will enable students to complete professional portfolios, and develop plans for post-graduate professional or educational work.

Students are urged to take advantage of outstanding 芝加哥-area internships to develop skills, 学术和专业兴趣. Internships may not substitute for major requirements or dep艺术mental courses but do count toward the total hours needed to graduate. Please refer to teh Internship section of the catalog for internship requirements and guidelines.

Introduction and application of the elements of visual language. Studies in shape, color, line, texture, and value as they relate to two-dimensional 艺术.

Elements of visual language as they apply to three-dimensional 艺术. Projects based on the study of volume, space, line, color, and texture.

The study and practice of the major forms of creative writing. 这门课将以研讨会的形式讲授, emphasizing the study of model texts and the development of students' work.

A study of Shakespearean drama, including selected comedies, tragedies, and romances. 与com3090交叉上市.

课程以英语授课. 带阅读的讲座, 讨论, 分析, and synthesis of representative plays of Scandinavia's two internationally significant dramatists.

This course is an introduction to the field of performance studies. The course will include aesthetic performances (literature, 剧院, 艺术, 跳舞, 和视觉媒体), ethnographic performances (personal narratives and narratives of others), 以及其他文化资源. We will explore the relationship of performance studies to related fields, while placing an emphasis on performance and social change. We will attend live performances in 芝加哥.

A seminar course on selected problems and topics in the area of aesthetics, e.g., the nature and meaning of aesthetic value, the problem of aesthetic judgment.

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